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ASP - Archive Science Portal V2.0 - Main features - Knowledgebase / Archive / Science Portal - ESO Operations Helpdesk

ASP - Archive Science Portal V2.0 - Main features

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The full list of improvement present in Version 2.0 has been announced to the scientific community here.

Following users feedback, the updated Archive Science Portal provides (among others) the following improvements:

  • A single interface allows users to access data from La Silla Paranal, APEX ,and -now- from ALMA as well:

See for instance here the ALMA footprint over the WHALE galaxy.
These ALMA data can be retrieved also with this programmatic query:
   s_ra, s_dec, dp_id, instrument_name, obstech,   proposal_id, obs_release_date
 intersects(s_region, circle('',3.72333,-39.19667,0.3))=1 AND instrument_name='ALMA'

  • We now provide previews for datacubes, including interactive spectrum extraction:

Users can now extract a quick look MUSE spectrum directly from the Archive Interface.

  • Search within user defined polygons:

For instance an user can download all the spectra of the stars in the Jewel Box cluster within a customized region. Naturally this is possible also programmatically:

    s_ra, s_dec, dp_id, instrument_name, obstech, proposal_id, obs_release_date
    intersects(s_region, POLYGON( 'J2000', 193.15859,-60.21354, 193.40507, -60.15885, 193.80660, -60.21094, 193.85447, -60.38943, 193.61956, -60.49661, 193.21774, -60.49711, 193.00831, -60.43487, 193.04188, -60.33450, 193.03932, -60.26952) )=1 AND obstech NOT LIKE 'IMAGE%'

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