After the execution my OBs have "status" C, or A and M. What does it mean?
After the execution of an OB, the status of the OB will change in the database depending on the success of the observation. You can follow the progress of your program via a service provided within the ESO User Portal. Once logged into the portal, click on “Check the status of your observing runs” (in the Phase 2 card) and then click on the run ID for the run progress report. Also note that Paranal Service Mode (SM) users are able to subscribe to receive email notifications whenever their SM Observation Blocks are executed at the telescope. The management of the email subscription is regulated in the Night Log Tool run progress index page accessible from the User Portal page referred to above (see the menu in the left-hand column). Phase 2 and/or data delegates can also subscribe.
A successfully executed OB will have a status C, which stands for Completed. If an OB is started but the atmospheric conditions worsened during the first 1h of execution, the OB will show the status M (Must be repeated) and it will stay in the queue to be re-observed.
An OB aborted during the night for problems of various nature (e.g. the night astronomer does not identify correctly the target by comparing acquisition image and finding chart) will have a status A. In this case the support astronomer assigned to your run will be contacted by the Chilean science operation team to sort out the problem. If this can be solved with your help, the OB will be rescheduled and its status will change into M.
If an OB turns out to be incorrect and not executable or if the time-interval indicated by the user is expired, the OB will have the status F as Failed. In this case the OB will not be repeated.