I see from the Web that my pre-imaging OB has been completed. What do I have to do to get the data?
Answer: Nothing. A special data quick-release process is in place and you should be contacted with instructions about how to retrieve your data as soon as they are available, usually the next working day.
I have seen in the Run Progress Reports web pages that some data have been obtained for my programme. Can I obtain the data already?
Answer: Yes! Principle Investigators, as well as their collaborators to whom Data Delegation is assigned in User Portal, can download their proprietary raw data from the Science Archive Facility as soon as the data have been ingested into the archive. For complete details, including important details regarding the proprietary period for the data see the Data Release page.
I would also like to see the pipeline reduced data. How is that possible?
Answer: When selecting the raw data from the archive, you are led to a new page where the raw data and the associated calibrations and ancillary files are available for download via CalSelector archive service. At that stage, it is also possible for some instruments to obtain Internal Data Products, pipeline reduced science data, released by ESO. Links to those data products, as they are created, become available via gNLT run progress pages, via dedicated Query Forms in the ESO Science Archive, as well as via the web-based Science Archive Portal. For the availability of reduced science data with the ESO pipelines please consult the ESO Science Archive Facility webpages.
Are data available through PI-packs?
Answer: Until October 2011 the PI-packs accessible via User Portal account contain raw data, associated calibrations and pipeline products. For observations taken after October 2011 ESO no longer provides PI-packs. The raw data can still be accessed via the archive and the associated calibrations and ancillary files are available for download via CalSelector archive service.