Only several runs of my proposal have been approved and the rest rejected. What does it mean?
When you receive the web-letter, you might realize that only part of your proposal results approved, while other proposed runs figure as rejected. This might have different explanations:
- the panel might have decided to approve only part of the proposed programme for very different reasons, e.g. only part of the project sounded well justified, or as most innovative and ground-breaking. In this case only the time requested for the approved runs is allocated to the program and you should prepare the Phase 2 material only for those.
- the panel approved your project and the Observing Programme Office (OPO) revised your run distribution by combining few runs in a single one for scheduling reasons. Thus, only few runs figure as approved and other rejected. However, in this case all the requested time is allocated to your programme but it is distributed differently from how you designed them in the proposal. If this happens, OPO will take care to explicitly write a note in the comments to your proposal. In this case you should prepare the Phase 2 material for the entire programme and pay attention to distribute it in the different runs as suggested by OPO.
It is very important that you read all the comments to your proposal to clarify which one of the two cases is yours.