The new version of the Archive Science Portal offers several new improvements and allows users to quickly access a variety of data collected with La Silla and Paranal Telescopes, APEX, and ALMA.
It is possible to search for data given (a list of) RA, Dec, and search radius or a (list of) target name using the input form on the top. Check here to retrieve data associated with Sgr A*.
Search for Program ID (or other parameters):
The Archive Science Portal also permits users to refine their searches using the Manage Query Parameter menu (on the top left corner of the ESO Archive Science Portal). Current search parameters are: Observatory, Data Type, Spectral Range, Filter/Band, Spectral Resolution, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Sensitivity, Date of Observation, Field of View, Sky Resolution, Data Collection, Instrument, Total Exposure Time, and Number of Obs.
For instance, to retrieve a specific Program Id, first you should select this as a possible parameter for a query. This is done by clicking on the small square in the left of the query parameter(s) you are interested in.
Then you should click on the little arrow on the bottom right of the Program Id panel to open the search query box:
and insert the Program Id you want retrieve (in this example: the ESO large program 196.A-0377, see this forum page for more details on the data-set). Note that the parameter to insert is the Program Id and not the Run ID (which has the trailing index (A), (B), etc. attached). For instance 196.A-0377(A) is not accepted as input.
you should now arrive to this page where all the SINFONI data related to the program 196.A-0377 are shown.
Note that is possible to visualize in a single page all the search parameters in use by expanding the Query Parameter column by clicking on the Maximize button on its right side.
Alternatively, you can access 196.A-0377 data programmatically by using a query similar to the following:
Alternatively, you can access 196.A-0377 data programmatically by using a query similar to the following:
target_name, dp_id, s_ra, s_dec,
t_exptime, em_min, em_max,
dataproduct_type, instrument_name,
obstech, proposal_id, obs_collection,
obs_release_date, access_url
proposal_id LIKE '196.A-0377%'
or, similarly, using the name of the collection in the ESO archive (SUPER in this case), with this query:
target_name, dp_id, s_ra, s_dec, t_exptime, em_min, em_max, dataproduct_type, instrument_name, obstech, proposal_id, obs_collection, obs_release_date, access_url
obs_collection LIKE 'SUPER%'
or, similarly, using the name of the collection in the ESO archive (SUPER in this case), with this query:
target_name, dp_id, s_ra, s_dec, t_exptime, em_min, em_max, dataproduct_type, instrument_name, obstech, proposal_id, obs_collection, obs_release_date, access_url
obs_collection LIKE 'SUPER%'